B.I.T. Breast in Translation 2.0
Dal: 07/04/2025 al: 08/04/2025
Evento Residenziale
Le Village By Ca Triveneto Centro Direzionale La Cittadella Piazza Giacomo Zanellato, 23, 35131 Padova Pd
Rivolto a: Biologo, Medico Chirurgo ( Anatomia Patologica, Chirurgia Generale, Oncologia, Radiodiagnostica, Radioterapia ), Tecnico Sanitario Laboratorio Biomedico
Segreteria Organizzativa
Delphi International SRL
Telefono Referente
+39 0532595011
Sede Evento
Le Village By Ca Triveneto Centro Direzionale La Cittadella Piazza Giacomo Zanellato, 23, 35131 Padova Pd
Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer death in females worldwide. Progresses achieved in pharmacologic therapies and treatment personalization is progressively raising breast cancer cure rates and prolonging survival in patients with advanced disease. Taking basic science advancements into everyday clinical practice remains a major issue, and it is achieved through translational research, which comes with incredible opportunities but also increasing challenges at an Academic level. In the current scenario of innovative therapeutic approaches, novel diagnostic and molecular tools, and the evolution of personalized Oncology algorithms, contamination between scientific and clinical disciplines is key to fuel the translational process. This course focuses on “hot” translational research areas in the field of breast cancer, from basic science to translational and clinical research. Moreover, specific workshops are aimed at providing tools to assess the quality and value of research result in the different disciplines. The aim is to disseminate knowledge, fuel the interdisciplinary discussion and boost active collaborations in the field of translational research in breast cancer.
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